Queen’s College Preparatory School

Queen’s College Preparatory School is one of central London’s leading independent day schools for girls aged 4 to 11. QCPS is a place of creativity, conviviality and cosiness, where each girl can happily play, learn and thrive.
Type of school
Prep School
Head of school
Mrs Laura Hall
Age range of pupils / Total number of pupils
No. of pupils per class / Gender of pupils
1:15 for teachers, 1:3 including TAs in Pre-Prep
£5,997 per term for Pre-Prep
Admission procedures
Applicants for admission into Reception should register as soon as possible after birth by completing an online registration form and paying the non-refundable £100 registration fee. We recommend that parents attend one of our Open Days by the October before the year of entry. Those registered will be invited for a play-based assessment in school in the November prior to entry. Offers will be sent out in early December, deadline for acceptance in early February.
View Ofsted report